Are Aussies good for first-time owners? A Comprehensive Guide

From The border of Spain and France to Australia for modification. The highly energetic was originally used in the farm due to strong build-up. They herd the livestock of farmers in Spain and France. However, in the 1800s, Austrians took them for further modifications. After modification, Aussies came into existence.

The causes are medium-sized dogs. Slightly longer and taller. They also have undercoats protecting them from harsh weather conditions as they are considered intelligent, lovely, loyal dogs. So Are Aussies good for first-time owners? Yes. Ausesis are considered to be friendly dogs. 

But if you are first time to become a dog parent then take every step carefully. Let’s explore whether either cause is suitable for first-time owners.

Why to adopt Australian shepherds 

If you planning to adopt a little shepherd’s munchkin. And if it’s your first time then Australian shepherds are the best option. So here are some points why choose Australian shepherds.

Behaviors & Physical characteristics : 

Ausesis is considered a medium size dog. Which is usually 20-23 inches in height and 50-65 pounds in weight. They are available in multiple colors and combinations of patterns. White coated fur protects them from weather conditions but different colors like brown, red black, and white as well patterns, etc.

As this is medium-sized size it’s easier to accommodate your house, apartment, etc. If you live in an apartment then dogs need separate areas where they can eat, drink, and play. Apartments don’t have enough space for proper physical activities. So proper walks are recommended. 


  • 1. Intelligence

      Australian shepherds are considered to be very smart and intelligent. They are smart enough to solve problems efficiently. But they need proper training and love from the owner. Although Aussies learn very quickly. But all capabilities are enhanced under the proper guidance. Through this, they learn obedience, control their hyperactive behaviors, and patience.

      • 2. Quick Loyalty and affection   :

        Australian shepherds are friendly dogs by nature. They attach to their caregiver in short intervals of time. But its need affects both ends. Are Aussies good for first-time owners? Defiantly yes, because owners’ little attention also attaches to their owner.

        These deep bonds help to gain the loyalty of Australian shepherds. Which eventually unlocks the protective nature of them towards you.  And always show their affection through playful activities.

        • 3. Less Time to Unleash  :

          If get proper time training Australian Shepherds become unleashed quickly. Unleash activities help to walk freely with you and your dog. Your dogs are always behind you without any commands collars etc. This action not only relaxes your dog but also new owners. They carelessly take their dogs anywhere with them. Your dog also becomes obedient as well.

          • 4. Sharp sense :

            In addition to this Australian shepherds have strong settings of sight, sound, and smell. Which makes them always alert. This ability makes them good searching dogs. And also helps their owner to find their missing things. Although this ability to attach the dogs to their owner.

            dog training 2

            Needs of training and techniques to apply :

            Australian Shepherds need less time to train. First time owner easily teaches them basic Etiquette. In addition to socializing, and training they advance.

            Teaches them basic Etiquette:

              As Aussies have high energy and intelligence. So to utilize their energy and intelligence it’s necessary to give them obedience training. Which was learned within a short interval of time. The basic obedience training includes some basic commands like stay, sit, go, stop, etc. it’s easier for first-time owners to teach them. As they pick things up quickly.


              If you are a first-time dog owner. As soon as your puppy is with you so try to socialize them. Due to this act, your puppy adjusts quicker than others else. Australian shepherds like social environments and like to play and interact with different people as well as animals. Socializing also helps to build confidence in causes.

              Less maintains : 

              The cause is one of the dog breeds which need less maintenance. Daily or once a week needs detangling of hairs with the help of a comb. Eventually, this prevents the coats from tangles. And as well less chances of ticks etc. appears. And Lastly, once in a month hair trimming or once when needed are recommended.

               5 Possible challenges faced by new owners: 

               Some potential challenges make questions on first-time owners. Are Aussies good for first-time owners? Because many individuals do not make enough effort and give their dogs. So here are some of them as follows.

              1. Daily Physical activities and mental stimulations :

              Australian shepherds are energy balls. It’s necessary for them to do physical activities. The activities include fetching, free running, dog sports, etc. This activities helps them to exert their stress and relaxes them. As physical activities are most important to stay them fits as well.

              Physical activity also affects on mental health of Australian shepherds. Too mentally stable and physically stable is necessary. Although for mental stimulations many different puzzle games especially designed for dogs should be used.

              Unfortunately, many first-time owners are unable to perform these activities. Result they neglect their dogs due to reasons like being busy and secluded.

              2. Behavioral Issues:

              Australian shepherds are considered to be friendly. But if the first-time owner doesn’t give significant time to Australian shepherds they become aggressive as well as dull or bored. Due to this, their mental and physical health affects the most.

              This was a big challenge they faced. Because the Australian shepherds are very friendly and lovely dogs they always need some attention. So first-time dog owners should consider this before taking pets with them.

              3. Well-Planned Activities for your Australian Shepherds:

                As we discussed earlier as well Aussies are very energetic and utilization of their energy is important. So it’s important to plan their activities well throughout the day. For the exam divided their whole day into different activities. 

                Like family play time, outdoor walks, dog sports, mental stimulation games like puzzles, etc. But the first time dog’s owner failed to plan this activity. Due to a lack of knowledge and miss guidance as well. So many dog owners faced severe challenges during the initial phase after pet adoption. In some cases have been seen they lose interest in dogs.

                4. Consistency towards responsibilities:

                  It’s very important to follow consistency as a dog parent to responsibilities. Every animal needs proper attention, care, and full filing their needs by their parents. With consistency. However, some of the dog’s parents are unable to be consistent with the dog’s responsibilities.

                  As a result loose connection between the dog and owner. And Australian shepherds feel the things quickly. Due to this, they get into stress ultimately. And it’s very hard for dog parents to take care of them.

                  5. Diseases Affect the Age:

                    Australian shepherds have a good life expanse which is around 12 to 13 years. But by the time their age increases, there are high chances of some common diseases Aussies face. Like epilepsy, Dental disorders, Hip dysplasia, luxating patella, Obesity and Allergies, and Cataracts. To prevent this thing the following measures can be taken.

                    • To reduce the chances of disease it’s important to visit the vet regularly.
                    • Control their diet like food portion and teat should be given by calculating.
                    • Physical and mental exercises should be performed regularly.

                    But in some cases, first-time dog parents don’t take this thing seriously. As well the medication and treatment for vets are very expensive. Due to this, not everyone can afford it.  And lack of knowledge is also a big challenge.

                    Minin Aussies

                    2 Must Preparation You Need To Do Before Owning Aussies:

                    If you wondering about becoming dog parents. And it’s your first time them make sure to arrange some things. Before taking Ausesis to home. Because Ausesis must require this thing.

                    1. Separate Space for your Australian Shepherds: 

                      Although ausesis are Medium-sized dogs. But they need privacy where they can sleep, Play, eat, etc. 

                      Privacy is necessary to express themselves. If you living in an apartment then a specific corner or room should be placed. But regular walks are necessary to make them physically as well as mentally fit. If a house then a proper dog house should be constructed for them.  And garden or yard should be fenced properly if your dog is playing there.

                      2. More socializing:

                       Australian Shepherds Like to be more social. They become more playful if in gathering as there are many people as well animals. So take ausesis in public gatherings frequently.


                      Are Aussies good for first-time owners? So yes. Because Australian shepherds are lively dogs. They need less maintenance. Because first-time dog owners are not experienced with how to take care of dogs. Just they need a little time and attention. Intelligent enough to learn different things quickly. That is why Australian shepherds are considered to be the best fit for first-time dog owners.


                      Which things Australian shepherds do not like if you are a first-time dog owner?

                      Aussies don’t like to be alone, they get bored and mentally disturbed as well. Be careful with these activities. 

                      Canned food or homemade food is best for Australian shepherds?

                      It is more proper to give homemade boiled chicken and kinds of rice to little puppies. Because canned food may be not digested by them. And causes severe illness.

                      Are Aussies good for first-time owners?

                      Yes, Aussies are intelligent dogs which are the best

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