Facts About Chihuahuas: Empower Yourself with Expert Insights and Tips

Chihuahuas are among the most energetic, adaptable and smallest types of dogs. They are regarded as one of the most popular and identifiable dog breeds in the world. What makes them so famous among pet owners is their small size and charming personality. 

However, before you decide on taking one, there are some things that you should know about this breed. The following are some facts and tips which will make you understand more and take care of your chihuahua.

History and Origin of Chihuahuas

It is believed that Chihuahuas descended from Techichi – a small dog kept by the Toltec tribe in Mexico. This small dog was later crossed with other dogs brought by Spanish conquerors thus producing today’s chihuahua.

In the 19th century, Americans discovered these dogs for the first time while they were visiting Mexico state which led to naming the breed after this state; Chihuahua. In 1904, it was officially recognized by AKC (American Kennel Club)


Characteristics and Appearance of Chihuahuas

Chihuahuas are the smallest dog breed in the world, weighing no more than 6 pounds and standing only about 5 inches tall. They have a rounded “apple” head, large ears, and expressive eyes. They come in two coat types: smooth and long. 

Both coat types can have a variety of colors and patterns, such as black, tan, cream, red, gold, white, merle, brindle, and spotted.

Chihuahuas are graceful and agile dogs, with a terrier-like demeanor. They are loyal, alert, and amusing. They are also very intelligent and can learn tricks and commands easily. 

However, they can also be stubborn, independent, and dominant. They tend to bond with one person and may be aloof or aggressive towards strangers and other dogs. 

They are not recommended for homes with young children, as they may not tolerate rough handling or teasing.


Different Breeds of Chihuahuas

Although the American Kennel Club (AKC) only recognizes two types of Chihuahuas based on their coat length (short-haired and long-haired), there are several different breeds of Chihuahuas based on their head shape, size, and color. 

Some of the most common breeds of Chihuahuas are:

Apple-head Chihuahua 

This is the most popular and standard breed of Chihuahua, characterized by a round and domed head, large and erect ears, and prominent eyes. 

They usually weigh between 2 to 6 pounds and come in various colors and patterns. They are loyal, alert, and amusing, but can also be bossy, dominant, and aggressive.

Deer-head Chihuahua

Deer-head Chihuahua has a longer and narrower head, resembling a deer. They also have longer legs and a longer body than the apple-head Chihuahua. They usually weigh between 3 to 7 pounds and come in various colors and patterns. They are friendly, gentle, and calm, but can also be shy, timid, and nervous.

Pear-head Chihuahua

This is a rare and controversial breed of Chihuahua, with a head shape that is somewhere between the apple-head and the deer-head Chihuahua. 

They have a slightly flattened and elongated head, with smaller ears and eyes than the apple-head Chihuahua. They usually weigh between 2 to 6 pounds and come in various colors and patterns. They are sweet, playful, and affectionate, but can also be stubborn, independent, and territorial.

Teacup Chihuahua 

Teacup Chihuahua is not an official breed of Chihuahua, but rather a term used by some breeders to describe extremely small Chihuahuas that weigh less than 3 pounds. 

They can have any coat length, head shape, or color, but they are often prone to health problems and genetic defects due to their size. They are cute, adorable, and portable, but can also be fragile, sensitive, and needy.

Fawn Chihuahua 

Fawn Chihuahua is a color variation of Chihuahua, not a separate breed. Fawn Chihuahuas have a light brown or tan coat, often with a black mask, nose, and ears. 

They can have any coat length, head shape, or size, but they are often considered more attractive and desirable than other colors. They are cheerful, lively, and charming, but can also be mischievous, sassy, and demanding.

Habits of Chihuahuas

Chihuahuas are known for their quirky and lively habits. They are very expressive and vocal dogs, often barking, growling, or whining to communicate their feelings. 

They are also very curious and adventurous, always exploring their surroundings and getting into trouble. 

Chihuahuas love to play and chase, especially with toys that squeak or move. They are also very affectionate and cuddly, often seeking attention and lap time from their owners.

However, Chihuahuas also have some habits that can be challenging or annoying. They are very territorial and protective of their owners, often acting aggressive or jealous towards other people or animals. 

They can also be stubborn and difficult to train, especially when it comes to housebreaking and obedience. They may also develop separation anxiety, becoming destructive or noisy when left alone. 

Chihuahuas need consistent and positive training and socialization to overcome these habits and become well-behaved pets.


Caring for Chihuahuas

Chihuahuas are low-maintenance dogs, but they still need proper care and attention. Here are some aspects of chihuahua care that you should consider:


Chihuahuas shed moderately, but they don’t need much brushing. Smooth-coated chihuahuas can be brushed once a week, while long-coated chihuahuas may need brushing two or three times a week. 

You should bathe your chihuahua only when necessary, using a mild shampoo and conditioner.


Chihuahuas are prone to obesity, so you should feed them a high-quality, balanced, and portion-controlled diet. Avoid giving them table scraps, human food, or treats that are high in calories, fat, or sugar. 

You can consult your veterinarian for the best feeding schedule and amount for your chihuahua.


Chihuahuas are active dogs, but they don’t need a lot of exercise. A daily walk of 15 to 20 minutes, or some indoor playtime, is enough to keep them healthy and happy. 

You should also provide them with toys and puzzles to stimulate their minds and prevent boredom. Chihuahuas are not suitable for outdoor living, as they are sensitive to cold and heat. You should always keep them indoors, in a comfortable and safe environment.


Chihuahuas are smart dogs, but they can also be challenging to train. They can be stubborn, willful, and bossy. They may also bark a lot, especially when they are excited, scared, or bored. 

You should start training your chihuahua as early as possible, using positive reinforcement, consistency, and patience. You should also socialize your chihuahua with other people and animals, to prevent them from becoming fearful or aggressive.


Chihuahuas are generally healthy dogs, but they can also suffer from some health issues, such as:

  • Patellar luxation: 

This is a condition where the kneecap slips out of place, causing pain and lameness. It can be caused by trauma, genetics, or obesity. 

It can be treated with medication, surgery, or physical therapy.

  • Tracheal collapse

This is a condition where the trachea, or windpipe, becomes weak and narrow, causing difficulty breathing, coughing, and gagging. It can be caused by genetics, obesity, or environmental factors. 

It can be treated with medication, surgery, or lifestyle changes.

  • Hydrocephalus

This is a condition where there is excess fluid in the brain, causing swelling, pressure, and neurological problems. It can be caused by genetics, infection, or injury. 

It can be diagnosed with imaging tests, such as X-rays or MRI. It can be treated with medication, surgery, or shunts.

  • Hypoglycemia 

This is a condition where the blood sugar level drops too low, causing weakness, tremors, seizures, and coma. It can be caused by stress, fasting, illness, or diabetes. 

It can be prevented by feeding your chihuahua small and frequent meals, and giving them glucose supplements if needed.

You should take your chihuahua to the veterinarian regularly for check-ups, vaccinations, and preventive care. You should also monitor your chihuahua for any signs of illness or injury, and seek medical attention if needed.

Final Thoughts

Chihuahuas are adorable and lively dogs, but they are not for everyone. They require a lot of love, attention, and care. If you are ready to commit to a chihuahua, you will be rewarded with a loyal, charming, and fun-loving companion. Chihuahuas are more than just “purse dogs” — they are dogs with big hearts and personalities.

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