Do Golden Retrievers Need Walks?

Exercise is essential for all dogs, but especially for golden retrievers. Golden retrievers are a lively and energetic breed that loves to run, play, and explore. They need regular exercise to keep them healthy, happy, and well-behaved. 

Walking is one of the best forms of exercise for golden retrievers, as it provides many benefits for their physical health, mental stimulation, and socialization. But how much and how often do golden retrievers need walks? 

And how can you make walking more enjoyable and effective for your golden retriever? In this article, we will answer these questions and provide some tips on how to walk a golden retriever properly.

How Often Should You Walk a Golden Retriever:

Walking is one of the best forms of exercise for golden retrievers, as it provides many benefits for their physical health, mental stimulation, and socialization. But how often should you walk a golden retriever to ensure they get enough exercise and enjoyment?

The general recommendation is to walk a golden retriever at least once a day for an hour, or twice a day for 30 minutes each. 

This can help them burn calories, strengthen their muscles and joints, reduce boredom and anxiety, and improve their behavior. 

However, this may vary depending on the individual dog’s age, health, and personality. Some golden retrievers may need more or less walking than others.

To make walking more enjoyable and effective for your golden retriever, you should vary the walking routes and speeds to keep them interested and challenged. 

You can also introduce new stimuli, such as toys, treats, or puzzles, to make walking more fun and rewarding. You should also monitor your golden retriever’s energy level and signs of fatigue during and after the walk, and adjust the walking frequency and duration accordingly. 

One should never force their golden retriever to walk if they are not willing or able to do so.

Reasons Why a Golden Retriever May Not Like Walking


The following are a few reasons why golden retrievers may not like walking:

  • Afraid of something, such as loud noises, traffic, strangers, or other dogs.
  • They are in pain due to an injury, illness, or old age.
  • Bored of the same routine, route, or pace.
  • Not socialized enough, and they feel anxious or aggressive around unfamiliar people or animals.

Solutions to Make Walking More Enjoyable for a Golden Retriever

To help a golden retriever overcome their fear of walking, you can: 

  • Introduce new stimuli gradually and positively, such as using treats, toys, or praise to reward them for facing their fears.
  • Consult a veterinarian and follow their advice on medication, therapy, or alternative exercise options.
  • Vary the walking routes and speeds to keep them interested and challenged, and also try different types of exercise, such as running, swimming, or fetching.
  • Invite a friend or another dog to join you, and also expose them to different people and animals in a calm and controlled manner.

What Other Exercises are Recommended for a Golden Retriever:

Golden retrievers are a sporting breed that was originally developed in Scotland in the 19th century to retrieve game birds and waterfowl. 

They are very active and energetic dogs that love to work and play. 

As a result, golden retrievers need a lot of exercise to keep them physically and mentally fit. The general exercise requirement for an adult golden retriever is at least 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise twice a day. 

However, this may vary depending on the individual dog’s age, health, and personality. Some golden retrievers may need more or less exercise than others.

There are many exercise activities that golden retrievers can enjoy, such as walking, running, swimming, fetching, and agility training. 

These activities can help them burn calories, strengthen their muscles and joints, stimulate their senses, and satisfy their natural instincts. They can also provide opportunities for bonding and socializing with their owners and other dogs.


Running is a more intense and vigorous exercise for golden retrievers, as it can increase their heart rate, metabolism, and endurance. It can help golden retrievers burn more calories, tone their muscles, and improve their cardiovascular health

It can also provide more fun and excitement for golden retrievers, as they can unleash their energy and speed, and chase after objects or animals. 

The recommended running frequency and duration for golden retrievers is two to three times a week for 20 to 30 minutes each. The running surface and terrain should be suitable and safe for the golden retriever’s feet and joints


Swimming is a low-impact and high-resistance exercise for golden retrievers, as it can reduce the stress on their joints and muscles, and increase their range of motion. It can help golden retrievers burn calories, strengthen their core, and prevent or recover from injuries

It can also provide a refreshing and relaxing experience for golden retrievers, as they can cool off and enjoy the water The recommended swimming frequency and duration for golden retrievers is once or twice a week for 15 to 20 minutes each

The swimming water and temperature should be clean and comfortable for the golden retriever’s skin and coat.


Fetching is a classic and interactive exercise for golden retrievers, as it can stimulate their natural instinct to retrieve and please their owners. This amazing activity can help golden retrievers burn calories, improve their coordination, and enhance their obedience.

It can also provide a rewarding and bonding experience for golden retrievers, as they can receive praise and treats for bringing back the object.

The recommended fetching frequency and duration for golden retrievers is daily for 10 to 15 minutes each. The fetching object and distance should be appropriate and safe for the golden retriever’s mouth and eyesight.

Agility Training

Agility training is a challenging and advanced exercise for golden retrievers, as it can test their physical and mental abilities, and teach them new skills This training can help golden retrievers burn calories, improve their balance, and increase their confidence

It can also provide a stimulating and fun experience for golden retrievers, as they can navigate through various obstacles and courses, and learn new commands

The recommended agility training frequency and duration for golden retrievers is once or twice a week for 15 to 20 minutes each. 

The agility equipment and level should be suitable and safe for the golden retriever’s size and experience

Final Thoughts

Walking is one of the best forms of exercise for golden retrievers, as it provides many benefits for their physical health, mental stimulation, and socialization. We have seen that walking can improve the health, happiness, and bond of both you and your golden retriever. If you have any questions or comments about walking a golden retriever, please feel free to share them with us below. 

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