How to Treat Collar Sores on Dogs: 5 Proven Methods for Fast Relief

To frame the dog’s behavior and make them your needs time. As well as training. Now this choice is you’re either solely for collar training. This can be done by the multiple collars available in the market like E-collar, dog shock bousnic, etc. Dogs can be trained by trainers as well. Which is a much easier way.

In adition to this prolonged use of the collar causes ulceration or soreness. And many dog parents don’t know how to treat collar sores on dogs. Which is very painful as well as life-threatening when untreated. To solve the problem of your furry friend some remedies, and suggestions help to treat them well.

Brief about Collar sores

The collar sore is a type of wound formed due to prolonged wearing of collars. It occurs due to prolonged wearing of the collar, which induces high and constant pressure on the neck. Causes high-pressure necrosis. 

As we know the inner skin of dogs is protected by fur which means their inner skin is also delicate like humans. Collar pressure causes sweat which provides a medium to grow bacteria and viruses. 

Then causes wounds and infections. Although the collar may be too tight or the dog is sensitive to the material used in the collar. In some cases, it is seen that the collar might be chafing to the neck. And sore is also known as pressure necrosis.

How to Treat Collar Sores on Dogs: Diagnosing the 4 Stages

When constant collars are worn by the dog it causes pressure on them. Due to this friction Appears. But how to identify collar sore in dogs? If want to diagnose then need some knowledge related to signs and symptoms. It helps to identify the sore easily.

These signs and symptoms and symptoms are divided into multiple stages. These are as follows to understand the symptoms clearly. And identification becomes simple.

Stage 1:

Signs and symptoms start with inflammation which is redness on the skin. By that time redness lasts for many days with irritation and becomes swelling after untreated for days. At this stage, the swelling can be pus-filled. Although this stage it is easier to treat with antiseptic and wound dry tropical ointments.

Stage 2: 

If untreated at this stage swelling may cause More pressure necrosis. The wound becomes more severe. This means signs and symptoms are becoming more prominent and the severity of the disease increases. It gets more painful and discomfort starts at the neck.

Stage 3:

In some cases, it is seen that due to discomfort. Difficult for the dog to move its neck. Discomforts to the dog make him angry and distress him. At this stage it’s important to treat the sore otherwise it becomes worse and painful.

Stage 4: 

At the last stage of collar soreness. The hair loss starts and the wound becomes open. As ulceration becomes prominent and open as well. Appearing like a moist substance and sticky. Which become more infected over time and if untreated at this stage then cause serious bacterial and viral infections. As they invade in the wounds.

dog wearing blanket and doing rest

How to Treat Collar Sores on Dogs- Effective Treatment Options

The treatment of collar soreness of the neck may be contagious and life-threatening as well. If untreated it is life threatening to your dog with extreme pain. There are some measure treatments by which dog sores can treated effectively. The treatment may be home remedies or consultation with DVM.

5 Best Ways of Immediate Treatment:

It’s necessary to do immediate treatment for the dog after finding a sore on the neck. This treatment is for temporary purposes to protect from infections.

  1. After finding the sore. Remove the collar quickly and gently so that the collar doesn’t touch to neck. Because touching the neck may cause pain and irritation to the dog. So it’s difficult for you to remove the collar and further things with them.
  2. Then monitor the wound well to explain to the doctor. As well as cleaning purposes. 
  3. Next after removing the collar gently massage the infected area. Then gently clean the wound with lukewarm water. It prevents the wound from further infection. And cleaning cloth should be properly disinfected.
  4. After this use any antiseptic agent with good for the skin. Apply the antiseptics on the wound if not open with the help of the cotton. If the wound is open then it needs more critical care. Make sure the open wound needs air to dry.
  5. Another option available if an antiseptic is not available or irritates the skin then apply the first aid ointments. Like topical cream, Neosporin should be applied at least 3 times a day. In case it is not available then 1% hydrochloric acid cream is applied from the human first aid section.

Expert Treatment by a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

The vet is known for animal doctors. An expert in the treatment of animals. Although we have discussed the emergency treatments. Which can be done at home for temporary purposes. Know we look at the treatment professionally. There are as follows.

  1. Evaluation is the first key step of treatment. Firstly the assessment should be done. To check the intensity of wounds. And to check if bacterial or viral infection happens. It would help the doctor to treat accordingly.
  2. After examination doctor tries to evaluate the cause of soreness. Most of the time the sore due to collars but it has also been seen that allergies also occur due to the fabric of the collar or any other else. Another or prolonged trap moister. That is the reason why examination and cause determination are important. 
  3. Then doctor professionally cleans the wound with antiseptic usually the antiseptic used is Chlorhexidine Solution which is known by the professional name Nolvasan and Povidone-Iodine Solution which Is Betadine.
  4. Initial treatment has been done up till now. It is time for proper medications. The doctor may give medicine orally or apply topical cream on the wound.

1. Oral Medications:

If the soreness of the dog becomes severe or the infection becomes worse. Which cannot be cured by topical ointments. Then oral antibiotics were prescribed. The two most common medicines prescribed by Clavamox or formulation is Amoxicillin-Clavulanate if the mentioned brand name is not available. Another antibiotic is Keflex which is followed by the formula Cephalexin.

Secondly, another medication that can recommended by doctors is anti-inflammatory. Which reduces the redness and soreness. Ultimately reduces the inflammation. And help to manage the pain due to inflammation. The medications used commonly are Rimadyl and Metacam. Are effective in managing inflammations.

2. Topical medication:

Topical medications also include antibiotics. They reduce infections and promote the healing process because bacterial growth plays a role in inflammation. The cream that is used to treat the Neosporin formula is Neomycin/Polymyxin B/Bacitracin. On the other hand, Mupirocin is also recommended which is known as Bactroban.

  • Regular cleaning and change of dressing are recommended by a doctor. And goes on follow-up regularly. Because if a sore is untreated it becomes more life-threatening. To dogs and infection may spread to others as well.

How to Treat Collar Sores on Dogs-3 Best Home Remedies

How to treat collar sores on dogs by home remedies. Here are multiple home remedies and natural sources that help to treat the sore effectively. But have proper knowledge about every ingredient which are used in the sores. So if any reaction occurs it can controlled.

1. The Natural anti-fungal Aloe Vera:  

The aloe Vera is scientifically known as the aloe Barbadians mill. The aloe is best known for its antifungal activity. When applied to open wounds. Protect them from infection and give a cooling effect on sores. Also, fast and permanent recovery has been a result of this.

2. Coconut Oil:

Coconut which usually used for eating as a snack and water also. Oil of coconut has been used for multiple purposes like hair oiling for dry hair. On the other hand oil of coconut is also used for antifungal purposes. When applied to a sore it produces healing effects.

3. Ocimum Sanctum:

India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh are known with the name of Tulsi. Although tulsi has multiple uses one of the important constituents is that it has antifungal activity. The leaves of tulsi are applied by making a paste of leaves. Protect wounds from bacterial and fungal activity.


As we know prevention is better than treatment. So to reduce the chance of dog collar sore. There are a few ways to protect your dog from collar soreness.

1. Remove the collar after training immediately:

 The collar is immediately taken off by training or after leash activities. It’s important because after training a dog on extreme sweat which means trap of moisture. Removing the collar immediately reduces the chance of gathering bacteria and soreness.

2. Comfortable collars :

In hot and dry seasons avoid thick fabric collars. Because thick and sharp fabrics cause severe damage to the skin and result in soreness. It’s recommended to wear lightweight collars. Which makes summer friendly.

3. Weekly Observe the skin:

By weekly observing the skin. The sore was spotted earlier. Which reduces the chances of major injection and pain by sore.


How to treat collar sores on dogs? It can be treated easily but first, have to be diagnosed quickly. After that go with home remedy which is cheap and easier but takes time to cure the wound. However, it can be dangerous if toxicity occurs or the plant may be misused. On the other hand, proper treatment by doctors of animals has been done which is a more safe way of treatment. 

But on the other hand, it is quite expensive. Know in your hands which way you want to go. Best ay take precautions. Because sores are painful and life-threatening as well.


Which medicine has been used for topical application on wounds?

Ans: The medication used for topical application is Neomycin/Polymyxin B/Bacitracin Neosporin is best used for healing purposes.

Which type of fabric is best for Collars? Especially for sensitive skin?

Ans: The fabric should be very delicate and very lightweight. Which are best for summer?

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